
Dr. P.H.D. Kusumawathie – Senior Research Scientist
Dr. Kusum, a Senior Research Scientist who contributes to our work. She works on entomological surveillance of dengue while being seconded to the National Dengue Control Program. She has obtained her B.Sc in Zoology with honours from the University of Peradeniya and her M.S and Ph.D. from the same University in Parasitology and Epidemiology. She also has received a master’s in health economics from Chulangakon University in Thailand. She has worked for three decades in monitoring and control of infectious diseases and has maintained an active research program.

Eng. Neil Devadasan – IT Director, The Polis Center, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI), Indiana, USA
Devadasan designs and develops computer applications for community information systems and for the social sciences. He has streamlined back-office data processing for the social Assets and vulnerabilities Indicators project. Devadasan also developed an interactive community information system for citizens of Central Indiana SAVI ( He did his graduate work at IUPUI and his undergraduate degree from the University of Peradeniya in Production Engineering. He was one of fifteen international fellows in the 2005-2006 Reuters Digital Vision Fellowship Program at Stanford University

Prof. Noel Aloysius
Noel Aloysius is an assistant professor in the Department of Biomedical, Biological & Chemical Engineering. His research interests include: Hydroclimatology with emphasis on modeling at watershed to regional scale; water and food security assessment; coupled human-natural systems; environmental change; land and water management in agriculture and remote-sensing for natural resource management

Dr. Ranmalee Bandara
Ranmalee Bandara obtained a B.Sc in Surveying at the University of Sabaragamuwa, Sri Lanka in 2005 with first class honors and an M.Sc in Environmental Soil Science from the University of Peradeniya in 2008. Obtained her PhD Civil Engineering in 2014.She had supported the work on the project on rainwater harvesting.

Madhura Weerasekera :: Research Scientist (Junior)
Madhura Weerasekera obtained a BSc special degree in Environmental Sciences and Natural Resources Management at the Sbaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka in 2009 and currently is reading for his masters in GIS and Remote Sensing at the Postgraduate Institute of Science (PGIS), University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Since December 2009 he has been working as a Junior Research Scientist at FECT and supporting projects on disaster risk, seasonal hydroclimatic monitoring and prediction and infectious diseases.

Sewwandhi Chanrasekara :: MDP Coordinator and Intermediate Research Scientist
Sewwandhi Chandrasekara obtained B.Sc. Agriculture at the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka in 2007 with the specialization of Agricultural Engineering. She completed her M. Phil in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the same University in 2011. She is working as FECT Coordinator of Masters in Development Practice which is 2 year masters course carried out by Faculty of Arts, University of Peradeniya. She also undertakes work as a research scientist in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Integrated Water Resources Management, Water Policies and Climate Change.